Valley Lahvosh Nachos

24 crackersValley Lahvosh 3� Medium Rounds
1 1½-ounce canBean dip or refried beans
2 smallTomatoes, thinly sliced
1Avocado, sliced
2 -3Green chilies, diced
2 tablespoonsGrated onion
To tasteSalsa
8 ouncesCheddar cheese or queso fresco, shredded or sliced
24Olives, pitted and sliced (optional)


Spread each Round generously with bean dip or refried beans.

Add tomato and avocado slices, shills and onions.

Spoon salsa over all.

Top with cheese and heat under broiler for 3-5 minutes, until cheese is melted.

Garnish with olive slices, if desired.

Yield 24 appetizers.

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